Opening Weekend 2019 – Saturday

This guy was on the main road in the middle of the afternoon on Saturday.

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This little guy was having fun rooting around the hilltop feeder and then came over behind the Cliffhanger blind. It honestly sounded like a heard of deer walking in the trees behind the blind.

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Grilling steaks seasoned with Cavenders Greek Seasoning.

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Grilled potatoes and onions with salt and pepper.

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James, Scott and Darin waiting for the steaks to cook.

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The dinner of kings: medium-rare steaks, Dr. Pepper baked beans, potatoes and onions and some salad. Present but not pictured, BEER!

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Ready For Opening Weekend 2019

We had a productive day at the lease this weekend. All blinds were fully cleaned and swept out, we lowered the bottom window ledge so that blind chairs do not have to be set on the highest level, stair repair was done where needed and weed eater cleanup was done to make getting to the blinds easy. Feeders have corn, blinds have chairs and the fire pit in camp was cleaned up and is ready to use.

CDC Issues Warning of Tuberculosis Transmission from Deer to People

CDC Study - Deer With Tuberculosis Can Transmit Bacteria To People. On Fox 7 News in Austin, they said this study was from northern states, but could be a possibility in Texas. Unfortunately, not much research time has been spent studying this in Texas, yet.

Recommendations from the doctor discussing this on Fox 7 News was to use precaution by wearing gloves when dealing with blood and raw meat and to wear a mask when opening the body cavity and dealing with organs to prevent inhaling particles.

You can read the news article from Fox 7 News Austin here.

Work Time at the Lease

It was time to move Top Side into a new position so that people hunting in the blind don't get an eye full of sun in the evenings. Putting the stand and feeder into a new spot, albeit not far from the original, allows for a wider field of view without being blinded.

To make moving the blind easier, we first grabbed some tin from the remains of Pier1 to make skids to slide it:

Harvesting Tin

Once we had the tin in place, we attached the tow straps:

Skids & Tow Straps

After swinging the stand to be aligned with the road, we rig to slide down the road to it's final position:

Prepping For Final Move

And the final move to it's new spot: